Saturday, September 12, 2015

Missing in Action!

So, I've been missing for quite some time and I wanted to share why.  For the past two years I've been fighting with my left wrist.  I injured it and have been having pain and problems ever since.  I've been seeing the doctor and he's been working to help me get back into the swing of things by doing shots and theraphy.  Unfortunately, this hasn't worked.  With the type of work I do I'm contantly using the hand and wrist and it just wasn't getting the time off it needed to heal. 

I finally went in for surgery a week ago and already I'm feeling some relief.  I've started therapy, again, and hopefully at the end of the six weeks I'll have full use without all the pain.  I can't wait to get back to my craft closet and start creating again.  Expecially with the holidays coming up.  I love making cards and scrapbooking.  I've got so many pictures and I can't wait to scrap them.

Thanks for standing by and I hope to see all of you in craft world very shortly!!


  Hi everyone! Today, I'm sharing a fun card I made using Freshly Made Sketches, sketch #673.  I have been working hard the last few mon...