Saturday, October 17, 2015

Open Your Bible

While I was home on leave for surgery I got to browsing the web and found a great site that offers online and small group bible studies.  I have been looking for studies that I could do at home since with the work I do I'm not always able to go to church and do them on the nights they offer them.

LifeWay Christian Resources is where I found these great studies and they are offering a new one to come out on November 1st called Open Your Bible.  It's a 7 session study that gets you opening your bible and digging deeper into HIS word.

Click the link and check out this great new study.  #SRTOpenYourBible


  Hi everyone! Today, I'm sharing a fun card I made using Freshly Made Sketches, sketch #673.  I have been working hard the last few mon...