Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Hello again! I've been a little MIA this past few weeks.  Lots going on and just not enough days in the month.  Here is my layout for the Sketch~N~Scrap March 15th layout sketch. I chose to do a two page spread as I had way to many photos of my son playing golf lol.  I just couldn't choose three!!

Here is the sketch for inspiration

Here is what I came up with.  I used the title on my second page to help it flow from one to the other better.  I used mostly paper embellishments on this layout and just a few metal. 


  1. What a great two pager. I LOVE the papers and colors

  2. This is awesome Diana! I love the papers you used and I can see why you couldn't just pick 3 photos, great job stretching the sketch to a double pager!



  Hi everyone! Today, I'm sharing a fun card I made using Freshly Made Sketches, sketch #673.  I have been working hard the last few mon...